Ok, Halo vs Counterstrike II is in production. The going is slow... very very slow... but it is going. Some stuff you should probably see coming up sooner than HvsCSII will probably be another Small Problems short (or two) and potentially a music video. I've wanted to do a music video to "Coma" by Guns N' Roses. It is a long song, but it's a badass song. So I might do that. "Coma" seems like it would be a huge freakin' project so I'm hesitant and might just opt to do a music video of the GNR version of "Knockin' on Heaven's Door" or "Civil War".
And now on to my life--the part none of you care about. Well, college is awesome. I got into Trinity University and I'm doing a bunch of shit there with the drama dept. I got cast in one of the mainstage shows, so any of you in the San Antonio area should totally check out Trinity University's production of Austin Pendleton's "Booth". We don't know what direction we're taking my character yet, but I'll either be an angry Irishman or a redneck hillbilly. We'll see.
Workstudy is awesome. I'm doing secretary work and running the box office here, and I'm also keeping the Speech and Drama pages updated and bug free for the school website. Apparently we didn't have someone doing my job last year, so I have to make new pages for the productions they had last year. It should keep me busy enough to get the hours necessary for the money I need.
Love life sucks, what else is new. Turned 19 on the 24th, got thrown in a fountain (Trinity tradition. On your birthday your friends throw you in a fountain here on campus.). I should be updating this more often from now on... hopefully once a week.
Well, in the meantime,
Peace and love!
-- Alex